Building Relationships. Strengthening Communities. Repairing Harm.

Concrete, Steel, and Paint starts conversations about peace-building and social change

Students at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) are leading dialogues about restorative justice and peace-building using the film Concrete, Steel, and Paint as a starting point.

Howard Zehr, the “father of restorative justice,” helped to lead the first of these dialogues at a film premiere in Philadelphia. After seeing how eagerly people talked about the film, the EMU Center for Justice and Peacebuilding decided to explore using the as a way to spark larger conversations about peacemaking.

This work is part of a larger initiative to use film and social media to help create social change.

You can read more about this work here, and of course, get a chance to see the film, and talk about it yourself, at the Western New York Restorative Practices Conference.  It’s not too late to sign up, and walk-ins are welcome!

(Submitted by Katherine Schaefer)

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